あああああ!~ (正正!!!) 日文還處在超破狀態 wahahahahaaha~~~~ Made a wrong turn, once or twice 曾經幾次誤入歧途 Dug my way out, blood and fire 為了找一條出路招致滿身傷痕 Bad decisions, that's alright 那些錯誤的決定 已無所謂 Welcome to my silly life 現在就歡迎來到我那愚蠢的過往 Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood 被羞辱 欺騙 誤解 如影隨形 Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down 失去關懷的問候 但這並不減緩我向前的步伐 Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated 遭受誤解 反反覆覆的猜忌 輕蔑 伴隨著我 Look, I'm still around 看 我依然活的很好 Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than fuckin' perfect 親愛的 你是否也曾覺得 似乎自己無法達成那別人眼中的完美 Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing 親愛的 雖然你可能覺得自己一文不值 You're fuckin' perfect to me! 但在我眼中你已是他媽的完美了! You're so mean, when you talk about yourself, you were wrong 你很過分 你不該如此妄自菲薄地說自己一無是處 Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead 請改變你的想法 不用一味追隨別人 反而要讓大家像你一樣 So complicated, look happy, you'll make it! ...